Inspire Motion


People are designed to run and it is relatively easy to start running. We can just walk out the door and start running......hmmmm.......Wish it was that easy. 

We understand that some people may feel anxious, some may feel like people will judge them, some will feel uncomfortable. They see or read on social media so many 'success' stories but do not know where to begin.

Many people that start the running journey feel like running is hard work. They have trouble breathing, they get aches and pains in the hip, shins, calves, knees, achilles, souls of the feet. This can often lead to injuries and no consistency so the run goals stay elusive.

And some people do get to their goal but then, as we all do, we shift our expectations and we want to become faster or go longer. 

The Inspire Motion team love what we do and we started in our professions because we wanted to help people find the time to train and achieve their goals. 

Anyone can be a Runner.

The key is to keep injury free, have fun, love the journey (as well as the destination) and get fit. At Inspire Motion our goal is for everyone to actively become part of the running community, to perform the best they can and to master the art of running.

Come join us on our next IM Running Program. Starts in January 2018.